Explanation of HB 1229
Property tax elimination is the ONE solution that is needed.
Currently, our legislature is trying to come up with a property tax bill. Governor Braun’s plan, SB1, was crushed in the Senate before heading over to the House, where it now resides.
We need to act now to support amending (putting) HB 1229 into SB1. This is our last chance, our “Hail Mary”, to get property tax elimination for ALL homesteads, put into law.
Please print this out, so you understand how HB 1229 works for all of us.
House Bill 1229 is THE PERFECT SOLUTION for property taxes.–it eliminates them — and more!
Eliminates: (PART)
Eliminates Property Taxes
Eliminates Assessors
Eliminates Referenda
Eliminates TIFS
Funding: R, not D
Replaces, NOT Decreases Tax Revenue
Completely replaces all the property tax revenue)
Replaces, PLUS INCREASES Tax Revenue
Excess can be spent on ROADS,
especially in Marion County
FUNDING: A simple, easy to administer increase of 7% sales tax on services (currently untaxed) will generate $2B to $4B revenue, enough to REPLACE all the property tax revenue AND generate additional $MILLIONS each year!
Here is the link to the LSA fiscal analysis:
There is NO NEED to cut services. No Need to do more with less!
INDIANA STATE BENEFITS: If this is enacted, Indiana will be a leader,in eliminating property taxes. Businesses and voters will flood into the state, increasing revenue and population (more congressional seats). It’s a win-win-win!