Mission Statement
To maintain the Communities successful past progress and connections with our City Officials and Entities, support protective Zoning laws, build new progressive relationships that will also stand the test of time, invite the Community we work alongside of and serve – to learn of area amenities that enable and build strong neighborhoods, and encourage all participants to bring others so we can collaborate, and share ideas that achieve results we can all confidently pass on to the next generation.
Who is Crooked Creek Alert?
Crooked Creek Alert (CCA) is a compilation of Area Association Presidents, Residents, Businesses, Schools, Churches, and Apartment Complexes who believe in working together with City Officials and Entities, various organizations, and neighboring Blanket Associations. All Participants retain their autonomy and participate in CCA Projects or not – without penalty. CCA Partnerships address areas of mutual interest for the maintenance and improvement of the area we serve in Pike and Washington Townships.We seek out and maintain collaborative alliances in our community. CCA C.A.P.s.- (Community Active Partnerships) are Businesses and/or Organizations that are openly active and give back to the Community in various tangible ways.
We desire to be strong, dependable, inclusive, encouraging advocates and leaders that address issues that are important to – and positively impact – the quality of life for the residents, businesses, and community partners in the area we live, work, and serve.
Crooked Creek Alert respects the type of equality, diversity, and growth that is supportive of strong business and family values so all long-time, present, and future residents can confidently work, live, and/or raise families in the place they chose to call “home.”